Dive Supervisor Certification
Dive Supervisor Certification
In all industries and trades, Occupational Health and Safety authorities are introducing the requirement for supervisors to have proper certification as a supervisor in their field. This has come about from the introduction of Bill C45, a federal government law that makes supervisors criminally liable for placing a worker in an unsafe work situation.WorkSafe BC has recently modified their OHS Guidelines to state that the expectation is that dive supervisors be certified to CSA Z27.4 standards. Once something is written in as a Guideline, it soon becomes Regulation.
DiveSafe International has a training program to help supervisor candidates achieve certification to the CSA Standard. DiveSafe International can get you and/or your crew members in compliance ahead of the rush by attending our Dive Supervisor course.
Available are levels for both Scuba and Surface Supply supervisors in a quick and economical manner. Candidates learn how to become more effective and productive leaders while protecting themselves and their company from liability. Communication skills, leadership and motivational techniques, health and safety and much more can be taken away from this course.
Courses are scheduled to run on a regular basis in July and August 2011 and are designed for the supervisor who doesn’t have a lot of free time for courses. Call DiveSafe International toll free at 1-888-325-3483 or look up our website for more information.